the country
「田舎」は、英語で「country」ということができます。この場合、都会(town, city)に対しての田舎という意味です。
Do you prefer to live in the country or in a town?
We ended up moving to the country after the pandemic happened.
the countryside
「田舎」という意味では「the county」の他に、「the countryside」といい方もあります。
The countryside in Japan is beautiful.
He lives in the French countryside.
He has a huge area of land in the countryside.
one’s hometown
故郷という意味で「田舎」といいたいときは、「one’s home」や「one’s hometown」という言い方をします。あるいは「one’s home village」でもよいです。
I miss my home. / I miss my hometown.
My hometown is in the countryside of Aomori Prefecture.
He got fed up with his hometown which was full of rice paddies and came to Tokyo.
My father is a fisherman in my home village.
「帰省する(故郷へ帰る)」という場合、「go home」のほかに「go back to the country(都会から田舎へ戻る)」という表現もできます。
The bullet train was full of passengers going home.
I go back to my country every New Year.
She lives in rural Italy.
The first priority is to set up infrastructure in rural areas.
It was so rural that the electricity supply was limited.
「rural」に似た雰囲気を持つのが「remote」です。「田舎」という意味では「a remote area / house / village」などの形で使われることが多いです。
He lives on a remote island.
The tribe lives in remote mountain villages.
simple and often rough in appearance; typical of the countryside
The guest house was simple and rustic.
I fell in love with its rustic charm and bought it on impulse.
She was a very provincial girl when she first came to Tokyo.
She has been living in Tokyo for seven years and still speaks in a provincial accent.
the middle of nowhere
以前に紹介したフレーズですが、「the middle of nowhere」も「田舎」を表すことができます。
far away from any towns and cities and where few people live
I had to get off the bus in the middle of nowhere.
