





on the way / on one’s way ~へ行くついでに/ついでに立ち寄る

「on the way」「on one’s way」は、「~へ行く途中で」を表します。

Take the rubbish on your way out.

On the way to the convenience store, he also stopped at the post office.

I went to the library to borrow some books on my way to the shops.

「~からの帰りに」という場合、「on the way back」「on the way home from」などを使うと、「ある場所からの帰りがけについでに~した」という意味が明確になります。

On the way home from school, I stopped at a stationery shop and bought some pencils.

I stopped at a convenience store to buy some beer on the way back.

while I’m (you’re) at そこにいるついでに

「~にいるついでに」といいたい場合、「while I’m at ~」や「while you are at ~」などを使って表現することもできます。

I’ll buy some milk while I’m at the convenience store.

While you’re standing there, can you close the door, please?

While I was at the station, I took some money out of my account at an ATM.

「どこにいるから」と場所を取り立てて言わず、「while you’re at it」のように「it」を置いて用いることもできます。

And while you’re at it, can you take the eggs?

I also prepared tomorrow’s lunch while I was at it.

while ~するついでに



While I make my coffee, I can make yours, too.

While I cooked dinner, I also prepared tomorrow’s lunch.

While taking out the milk (from the fridge), can you also take out the eggs?

While building my house, could you also build me a dog’s house?

by the way / in addition / incidentally ついでにいうと

「ついでにいうと」という場合、「by the way」「in addition」「incidentally」などが使えます。

And by the way, I have something to mention.

In addition, information on the internet is often unreliable.


Incidentally, next week’s meeting has been postponed.

Incidentally, I would like to mention the schedule of meetings for the coming week.

and / additionally ~するついでに


I went to Paris and visited the Louvre Museum.

I had my hair cut and coloured at the hairdresser’s.


Additionally, can you also sign here?

along with doing ~ するのと同時に(ついでに)

「along with doing」で「~すると同時に」を表します。

Along with opening the window, I cleaned the window frame.

「along at the same time as」という言い方もあります。

My teeth were cleaned along at the same time as my dental check-up.

Since ~ / As ~ するからには、ついでに

「Since ~」「As ~」は、理由を表す接続詞として機能します。


Since I came all the way to Canada, I want to see Niagara Falls.

Since you are at the convenience store, can you buy some soy sauce, please?

As I had to prepare dinner anyway, I also prepared tomorrow’s lunch while I was at it.




