
distract と disturb, disrupt の違いと使い分け


distract と disturb, disrupt は、どれも「邪魔をする」という意味で使われる動詞です。意味は似ていますが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあり、ネイティブはきちんと使い分けています。

今回は、distract と disturb, disrupt の違いと使い分けについて、例文を交えてまとめてみます。

disturb の意味と使い方



よくホテルの客室に「Do not disturb」というカードが置かれていたりしますね。あれは、客室の清掃が必要ない場合にドアの外に掲げておくためのものです。


Do not disturb your sister. She is taking an online English lesson.

I’m sorry to disturb you, but there is an urgent phone call for Mr Yamada.

Did I disturb you?


The neighbours always make disturbing noise.


Some of the posts on social media could disturb users, especially younger people.

This film may contain some disturbing content such as violence or strong words.


As soon as we entered the gate, he noticed that the plants by the window were disturbed. Someone must have broken into the house.

That night, the man sneaked into the office to take photos of the documents, but didn’t disturb anything.

distract の意味と使い方


They were working in a team. While some of the team distracted the staff, the others stole the things.

Could you stop shaking your legs, please? It’s very distracting.

Excuse me, could you say it again, please? I was distracted by the noise from outside.


Please do not distract them from concentrating before the game.

If the noise of my meeting is distracting you from your work, I can go to the other room.

He started the war to distract people’s attention from his misgoverning.

disrupt の意味と使い方



The stormy weather disrupted the train system in the city for five hours.

The heavy snow may disrupt the power supply to the entire city.

A group of protesters ran into the conference room and disrupted the meeting.

Excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol may disrupt your blood circulation.

Those students’ bad behaviour disrupted the classroom.


The train was delayed, apparently because of the disruption caused by passengers fighting on the train.

The labour shortage brought severe disruption to flights for several weeks.

distract と disturb, disrupt の違いと使い分け

distract と disturb, disrupt はたいていの場合、どれも「邪魔をする」と訳すことが可能です。よく似ているのですが、微妙にニュアンスや使用する場面が異なります。


  • disturb: (人や睡眠などを)邪魔する
  • distract: 注意をそらす、気をそらす
  • disrupt: 継続しているものを中断させる


